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PDE Standards Aligned Systems
  • When we choose to buy something or use a resource for our needs, we affect people all over the world.
  • Computers, cell phones and the Internet have made it possible to easily communicate with people around the world.
  • The United States has an important leadership role in the world.
  • Citizens understand their rights and practice their responsibilities in a vibrant society.
  • Civil discourse and thoughtful deliberation are necessary to promote the common good and protect the individual.
  • Adherence to the rule of law validates an individual’s responsibility to society.
  • Engaged citizens understand the workings of government and use historic precedents in shaping thought and action.
  • An engaged citizen is a life-long learner continuing to benefit from internal maturity and external influences.
  • A thoughtful citizen evaluates the accuracy of communications and analyzes media sources attempting to influence the public agenda.
  • Citizens honor the personal property of others.
  • Citizens show respect for others and act responsibly
  • All citizens are equal before the law.
  • Active citizens understand that government serves communities and the common good.
  • An active citizen is a life-long learner.
  • Just because information appears on the television, radio or internet or comes from a friend or acquaintance doesn't make it true.
  • Citizens understand their rights and practice their responsibilities in a democratic society.
  • Showing respect for others and acting responsibly are necessary to promote the common good.
  • Citizens understand their rights and practice their responsibilities in a democratic society.
  • Citizens understand the workings of government and use historic precedents in shaping thought and action.
  • The choices we make, whether as consumers or as citizens active in politics, impact people around the globe.
  • The rapid pace of technological change has established unprecedented economic, political, and cultural interdependence among nations and individuals.
  • Nationalism plays a number of influential roles with far-reaching consequences in an interdependent world.
  • Political and economic ideas motivate societies to new behaviors.
  • The enjoyment of human rights and their exercise are dependent upon the community of nations and their citizens maintaining vigilance on governments and their actions.
  • Technological innovation shakes the institutions of society to their roots, with advantageous and disastrous consequences.
  • America's global leadership role commits it to a number of obligations that require American citizens to understand other nations and cultures.
  • Citizens are responsible for monitoring government in assuring human rights. The community of nations has the obligation to maintain human rights among its members.
  • Decisions of citizens and their governments are based on doing what is right for the common good. The greater the focus on doing what is right and necessary, the greater the benefit derived by society.

  • Limited resources and unlimited wants require choices by individuals, groups, and nations.
  • All economic systems must answer what, and how, goods and services will be produced, and who will consume those goods and services.
  • The interaction of buyers and sellers determines prices and quantities exchanged, except when influenced by governmental policies.
  • The location of resources, transportation, communication networks, and technological innovation affect international economic patterns and the distribution of wealth.
  • Economic decision-making by entities and individuals impact others locally, regionally, and around the globe.
  • Individuals and entities endeavor to obtain goods and services and to accumulate wealth.


Geography is used to explain the past, interpret the present, and plan for the future.

Geographic representations are essential to explain the spatial organization of people, places, and environments.

Physical processes shape patterns of the Earth’s surface, including the characteristics and spatial distribution of ecosystems.

Places and regions have physical and human characteristics, and one’s culture and experiences may influence perception of place.

Characteristics, distribution, and migration of human populations impact culture, economic interdependence, settlement patterns, and control of the Earth’s surface.

Human actions modify the physical environment, and physical systems affect human systems.

  • Historical context is needed to comprehend time and space.
  • Historical interpretation involves an analysis of cause and result.
  • Perspective helps to define the attributes of historical comprehension.
  • The history of the Commonwealth continues to influence Pennsylvanians today, and has impacted the United States and the rest of the world.
  • The history of the United States continues to influence its citizens, and has impacted the rest of the world.
  • World history continues to influence Pennsylvanians, citizens of the United States, and individuals throughout the world today.