PVAAS Teacher Specific Reporting
& Teacher Roster Verification
What is PVAAS Teacher Specific Reporting?
- PVAAS teacher specific reporting estimates the effect of a teacher's performance on the academic growth of a group of students
- PVAAS provides a measure of academic growth for students by taking into account both their endpoint and their entering achievement level
- By concentrating on growth, PVAAS puts the emphasis on what educators can influence
- For the first time in PA, teachers will have access to information regarding their influence on the academic progress of students
What is the purpose of PVAAS Teacher Specific Reporting?
- Provide a teacher-specific growth measure to be used as part of the PA Educator Effectiveness System
- Provide a diagnostic feedback to teachers regarding their influence on the academic growth of students
- Provide data for teachers and administrators to guide discussions about a teacher's influence on the academic growth on groups of students
What types of information will be provided by PVAAS Teacher Specific Reporting?
- A PVAAS score in each PA assessed grade, subject, and/or course for each school year
- Additionally, the teacher will receive a PVAAS 3 year rolling average
- Diagnostic reporting
- to assess the growth of students at varying achievement levels
- to assess the growth of demographic subgroups of students
- Each PVAAS teacher specific report reflects only the students instructed by the teacher in that specific grade/subject/course
% Instructional Responsibility - Significant Factor in PVAAS Teacher Reporting
- This % reflects a teacher's total instructional responsibility for a student. This % reflects how much the student will be weighted in the PVAAS analyses.
- The % instructional responsibility is calculated by multiplying the (% student + teacher enrollment) by (Full or Partial % of instruction).
- Full or Partial % Instruction - of the time that the teacher and student were concurrently enrolled in the grade/subject/course
- how much of the instruction (domains 1 & 3) belongs with the teacher?
- how much of the instruction (domains 1 & 3) belongs with another teacher (ESL, Title I, Gifted, Special Education)?
What is PVAAS Roster Verification?
- Roster verification is a way for teachers to VERIFY their student rosters - are the right students linked to the right teachers for the right subject/grade/courses for the right proportion of instructional responsibility
PVAAS Roster Verification Dates
Teacher PVAAS Roster Verification Objectives
- To make sure you have a roster for each PA Assessed grade, subject, and/or Keystone related course in which you provided content specific instruction (Domains 1 and 3 - Planned, delivered, and assessed instruction)
- To make sure each roster represents every student enrolled in each respective grade, subject, and/or Keystone related course in which you provided content specific instruction (Domains 1 and 3 - Planned, delivered, and assessed instruction)
- To verify the percent of instructional responsibility for each student on each roster
- Submit all of your rosters to the principal by teacher roster verification deadline.
PVAAS Teacher Roster Verification e-Learning Modules
PDE has released a virtual learning modules for the PVAAS Roster Verification Process and System. Click the link(s) below to access the on-demand trainings.
- PVAAS Roster Verification Overview Training Module Part I
- What is Roster Verification
- Roster Verification Overview
- Instructional Responsibility
- PVAAS Roster VErification Overview Training Module Part II
- Teacher Actions
- School Admin Actions
- LEA/District Admin Actions
- Resources
PVAAS Roster Verification Resource Page