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Act 48 Information

Educators should check their Act 48 hours by clicking on the following link and entering their PPID number:

**The PDE continuing education record is the official Act 48 record for an educator (not CPE tracker). 

Act 55 of 2022 - Teachers, administrators, school professionals, and paraprofessionals have one additional year (until July 8, 2023) to complete their Act 45/48 continuing professional education requirements.

PA Department of Education - Act 48 Frequently Asked Questions

Act 48 Credit for Training by a Provider Other than CASD

To receive Act 48 credit for a training taken by a provider other than CASD:

  • Go to CPETracker -
  • Click on the “Add New Event” button. 
  • Enter the information from the training in which you participated. 
  • Be sure to select the "Catasauqua School District" as the provider from the dropdown menu. If you select the Catasauqua Area SD (this one has the SD abbreviation and the red box indicating CPE provider) as the provider, you will receive a prompt "The provider you have chosen is a CPETracker provider. The provider will enter this event for you. Check your CPETracker profile and/or transcript frequently to verify that this information has been added. Please direct all questions to the provider of this event” and at that point you will have to complete the information again using the “Catasauqua School District” as the provider name. 
  • You will need to complete all fields marked with an asterisk and then click "Save."

**Prior to receiving district approval of the training hours that you added to CPE tracker by following the process outlined above, you must provide proof of training completion (Act 48 certificate) to Melissa Inselmann. 


 *Please contact Melissa Inselmann with any CPE Tracker questions/concerns.

Subject: Act 45 and Act 48 Rollover

Attention Educators:

On July 13, 2016, the General Assembly enacted changes to the continuing education provisions of section 1205.2 of the Public School Code, 24 P.S. § 12-1205.2.  Section 1205.2 was amended to include subsection (n.2), which permits a professional educator to carry forward into the next compliance period up to 50 hours of continuing professional education credits obtained during the final two years of the educator’s compliance period that are in excess of the required 180 credit hours for the current compliance period.  In light of these changes, the Department is providing this initial guidance to address preliminary questions related to the new statutory provision.

The provisions of section 1205.2(n.2) are applicable to both Act 48 continuing education credit hours and Act 45 PIL credit hours required for school and system leaders.  Any professional educator or school or system leader who had an open compliance period on or after July 13, 2016, and has allowable carry over credit hours in accordance with section 1205.2(n.2) may have up to 50 excess credit hours applied to the succeeding compliance period.  Section 1205.2(n.2) is not retroactive to any compliance period that closed prior to July 13, 2016. 

The Department will publish FAQs to address practical issues and common questions related to section 1205.2(n.2).  Changes to PERMS will be made to implement the attribution of any excess credit hours for educators who have allowable carry over credit hours.  The Department expects to implement this function in the fall of 2016.  Educators should be able to view any allowable carry over credits in their PERMS record on or after January 1, 2017. 

If you have any questions related to the application of Act 48 carry over credits please send your questions to or if you have questions related to Act 45 carry over credits, please contact Carla Wilson at or call 717.346.7112.

Act 118 - Act 48/45 1 Yr. Extensions

As you may recall, during the November faculty meeting, building principals shared information about the Act 48 credit rollover. Additionally, it is important to note that Act 118 is an amendment to the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L. 30, No.14) entitled “An act relating to the public school system, including certain provisions applicable as well to private and parochial schools; amending, revising, consolidating and changing the laws relating thereto,” in certification of teachers, further providing for continuing professional development for program of continuing professional education and for charter schools.

Act 118 provides one year extensions beginning on its effective date of November 2, 2016 for the following:

  1. Each school entity shall have one additional year to submit to the Secretary for approval a three-year professional education plan. During the additional year, the school entity's current professional education plan may remain in effect.
  2. Each professional educator's current continuing professional education compliance period shall be extended by one year.
  3. The current continuing professional education compliance period of each uncertified teacher or administrator who is employed full time by a charter school shall be extended by one year.

Please see the link below for more information:

**Link PA Dept. of Education FAQ Document (released Jan 2017) w/more information -