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Discovery Education Math Techbook

June 5th and June 6th - 12:45 -2:45 PM

Location - Youwakim's Classroom - B 122


Diane Meister, our DE Trainer has planned two engaging afternoons of Discovery Ed Math Techbook Training! At this time, we have access to the following math techbooks:

  • Grade 7 Math Techbook

  • Grade 8 Math Techbook

  • Algebra I Math Techbook

  • Algebra II Math Techbook

We have also purchased the Individual Student Resource (workbooks) that accompany each of the above techbooks.

In preparation for the training:

  • Please check your email for Discovery Ed login info. If you have any issues logging in to Discovery Ed, please contact Christina before Monday's training.

  • Please bring your fully charged iPad to the training!

  • If you have time, feel free to take a look at the Discovery Education Math Techbook Resources - CASD Shared Folder

  • Math Techbook provides a balanced approach to Instruction, allowing for both direct instruction and structured inquiry.  The Engage and Summarize portion of Discover are great places for direct instruction.  Engage can be a whole class collaborative effort.  The Investigate Section is meant to be collaborative research that is done in small groups depending on the number of devices and the students interests.

    Summarize is where you as the teacher can start to differentiate your students then pair your high flyers with stuggling students as you move through the practice section. The Practice section is where they should work individually so you can see overall results as well as where each student is in terms of conceptual understanding.  Then you can use/assign the additional resources as needed to students who need extra support.

    The Apply section can be done individually or collaboratively depending on your set up and what you want your students to experience. 

  • Math Techbook Technology Configurations
  • Step by Step Guides - Discovery Education Math Techbook
  • Click here to register for Discovery Education professional development online webinars.


  • 2 trade days (for all folks using Math Techbook) and 1 paid day (for folks working on course syllabus - should be written collaboratively using a shared Google Doc that all authors can edit for the same course) - Grade 7, Grade 8, PreAlgebra, Alg I, Alg II, Geometry
  • Complete and submit the course syllabus to Christina Lutz-Doemling for the grade level/course.
    • Course Syllabus Document
    • Share the document with all teachers teaching the course and with Christina.
    • Please rename the document as follows (these are just a few examples...use the course name and last names of teachers teaching the course):
      • PreAlgebra CHS Course Syllabus - Gair
      • Algebra I CHS Course Syllabus - LaVigne
      • Algebra II Course Syllabus - LaVigne 
      • Geometry Course Syllabus - Youwakim
    • The goal is to complete the syllabus documents by Friday, August 9, 2019.
  • Planned courses of study will be written in summer 2020 after we have one year of Math Techbook utilization