Act 13, Educator Effectiveness & Frontline Learning Plan Workflows
Act 13 & Educator Effectiveness Updates starting from the 2021-22 School Year
Pennsylvania Act 13 of 2020 revises and updates the process and tools used to evaluate professional employees. Click here to view the CASD Act 13 Training.
Updated Frameworks - refreshed with updated language more relevant to today’s instructional practices and current educational environment
Please note that seven topics are infused into the revision of the Framework for Evaluation Observation and Practice for Classroom Teachers. Topics of importance include:
- remote learning strategies: An article from Teaching and Learning Guru describes Effective Remote Learning Strategies. 80 Tips for Remote Learning from Seasoned Educators, which presents educators sharing their experiences and what worked for them regarding remote learning.
- career readiness: Career Ready PA provides Pennsylvania’s educators with resources to provide career readiness skills to learners. (Optional resource): In What is Career Readiness and How Do You Teach it? Chris Zook explains career readiness, why it is important, the status of state standards, and how to teach career readiness.
- research-based strategies: Pennsylvania Evidence Resource Center provides research-based strategies, activities, and interventions for Pennsylvania educators. (Optional resource): Mississippi College describes Research-Based Strategy in Education. “Research-based” is defined and its influence on instruction, curriculum, and teacher training is outlined.
- SEL (social-emotional learning): Pennsylvania SEL Best Practice Resources identifies best practices in social-emotional learning (SEL) programs, curricula, and supplemental materials. (Optional resource): SEL is… as defined by CASEL is a strong additional site to review.
- inclusion: Pennsylvania Equity and Inclusion website provides resources to ensure every child has the opportunity to learn. (Optional resource): Lilla Dale McManis’ article Inclusive Education: What It Means, Proven Strategies, and A Case Study offers a deep-dive into inclusive education for the purpose of gaining a solid understanding of what it means, what research shows, and proven strategies that bring out the benefits for everyone. Pennsylvania’s Equity and Inclusion provides a wealth of resources for Pennsylvania educators, parents, and professionals serving children and youth in school and out-of-school settings.
- cultural competence: Cultural Competence in the Classroom: A Key 21st-Century Skill defines cultural competence, explains its importance in the classroom, key components, and classroom strategies. Promoting Culturally Competent Teaching is an analysis of cultural competence and includes the benefits of cultural competence and examples of its implementation.
- equity: PA Equitable Practices Hub provides a coherent collection of resources that an educational community may use in promoting intentional equity in their communities. (Optional resource): Equity In Education: Where To Begin? offers thought into where to begin to recognize the individuality of students.
PDE Documents - New starting from the 2021-2022 school year:
CASD Differentiated Supervision Options and Frontline Learning Plan Workflows:
- Please login to Frontline and check your Frontline Learning Plan Workflow to make sure it matches your selected differentiated supervision option. Differentiated Supervision Option Learning Plan Workflows are included below for your reference. If you have been assigned the incorrect learning plan workflow, contact Ms. Melissa Inselmann prior to completing any forms within Frontline.
Timeline for Completion of Frontline Activities:
- Beginning of Year Teacher Self Assessment & Goal Setting Form (all teaching professionals and non-teaching professionals).
- Beginning of Year Differentiated Supervision Proposal Form (only teaching professionals and non-teaching professionals participating in action research, peer coaching, faculty study group, or portfolio).
- Classroom walk-throughs (informal observations) begin and continue throughout the year - upload artifacts associated with walk-through observations.
- Comprehensive classroom observations will begin to be scheduled with temporary professional employees and professional employees who are new to the school district. These observations will continue throughout the year. Upload artifacts associated with comprehensive classroom observations and complete required comprehensive planning, self-assessment, and reflection forms.
- LEA Selected Measures - Initial Conference Form (for professional employees required to complete this form)
- IEP Goals Progress - Initial Conference Form (for professional employees required to complete this form)
- Do not complete any portion of the LEA Selected Measures or IEP Goals Progress Forms until your building administrator provides instruction related to these forms!
- Mid-Year Differentiated Supervision Forms (action research, peer coaching, faculty study group, portfolio) due
- Mid-Year LEA Selected Measures Form due
- Mid-Year IEP Goals Progress Form due
- Mid-Year Evaluations for NonTenured Teachers in PEERS
- End of Year Differentiated Supervision Forms (action research, peer coaching, faculty study group, portfolio) due
- End of Year LEA Selected Measures Form due
- End of Year IEP Goal Progress Form due
- Domain 1: Planning and Preparation Evidence Uploads to Frontline & Domain 1 Evidence Summary Sheet
- Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities Evidence Uploads & Domain 4 Evidence Summary Sheet
End of Year/Over the Summer
- Summative Evaluations due for all Professional Employees in PEERS