PSSA Preparation Resources
PA Department of Information PSSA Information and Resources
Cell Phone Policy
Cell phones are NOT permitted in PSSA testing locations. The district strongly recommends that students keep their cell phones at home on the PSSA testing dates. If a student brings his/her cell phone to school, it will be collected prior to testing and returned at the end of the testing session as directed by the PA Department of Education's cell phone policy. To view the PA Department of Education cell phone policy and student consequences for violation of this policy, click on the link to the file in the file listing at the bottom of this web page
PSSA Resources
Parents and students can access additional PSSA math, reading, writing, and science practice assessment items and general PSSA information by clicking on the links below.
Related Links
PSSA Administration Resources
Link to current year PSSA administration resources and materials.
PSSA Science Preparation Resources & Information
Science Item & Scoring Samplers
PSSA ELA Preparation Resources & Information
ELA Item & Scoring Samplers
PSSA Math Preparation Resources & Information
Math Item and Scoring Samplers
Standards Aligned Systems
This website provides access to information on PA clear standards, fair assessments, curriculum frameworks, instruction, materials and resources, and interventions.