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Sheckler Summer Learning - Grades K, 1, 2, 3 & 4

Attention K-4 Students: Supercharge Summer Learning with Imagine Math and Imagine Language & Literacy!

Participate in the Sheckler Summer Learning Challenge July 1st - July 30th to Boost Your Skills and Earn a Chance to Win Cool Prizes!


  • Engage in your Imagine Language & Literacy online activities for a minimum of 15 minutes per day.
  • Students who engage in Imagine Language & Literacy online activities for 15 minutes/day, 5 days/week (based on Imagine Language & Literacy Usage Reports) between July 1 and July 30 will be entered into the prize raffle!


  • Engage in Imagine Math online activities for a minimum of 15 minutes per day.
  • Students who engage in Imagine Math online activities for 15 minutes/day, 5 days/week (based on Imagine Math Usage Reports) between July 1 and July 30 will be entered into the prize raffle!

Login & Get Started!

Login and work within your learning pathway for 15 minutes per subject each day to review concepts and skills and prepare for the new school year!


If you need technology assistance, click here to complete the TECH SUPPORT FORM.

To access Imagine Language & Literacy over the summer months, please follow the directions below:



  • Go to  Clever (,
  • select Log in as a Student, search for Francis H. Sheckler Elementary School,
  • select log in with Google.
  • Your child's Google username is the last name and first 3 letters of their first name followed by (ex: John Smith-
  • The password is the same as the student's iPad passcode (5 digits). If you don't know your child's student ID, please complete this form or contact Sheckler's Office at 610-264-5601.
  • Once logged into Clever, select Imagine Language & Literacy
  • Your child is ready to begin the reading lesson

To access Imagine Math over the summer months, please follow the directions below:



  • Go to  Clever (,
  • select Log in as a Student, search for Francis H. Sheckler Elementary School,
  • select log in with Google.
  • Your child's Google username is the last name and first 3 letters of their first name followed by (ex: John Smith-
  • The password is the same as the student's iPad passcode (5 digits). If you don't know your child's student ID, please complete this form or contact Sheckler's Office at 610-264-5601.
  • Once logged into Clever, select Imagine Math
  • Your child is ready to begin the math lesson
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