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Related Arts Curriculum Writing Information & Resources

1. Review of Curriculum Writing Process & Planned Course of Study Document (see related files)

2. Resources for Planned Course of Study Writing

  • Completed Sample Planned Course of Study - see related files
  • SAS - Curriculum Framework - see related links
  • PA Standards - see related links

3. Common Core and The Arts

4. Webb's Depth of Knowledge - Consider the level of rigor to which you need to teach/assess to prepare for the demands of the CC.

5. 21st Century Skills (see related files)- examples include, but are not limited to:

  • Communication - Getting feedback online, chat or videoconference online (argument formation, effective writing, ability to interpret and analyze incoming information)
  • Collaboration - Work with classmates/other student online, use online documents 
  • Think Critically - Perform online research (identifying search terms & learning how to evaluate the information presented from a variety of sources), use computers for measurement/experiments
  • Creation - Create multimedia presentations, create and share digital content. Examples may include: using digital cameras to make movies or create webcasts, recording and editing audio to make podcasts, or use software to create presentations.

6. P21 Common Core Tool Kit -

As education leaders incorporate the CCSS into school systems, P21 urges them to do so in a way that honors the fusion of the 3Rs (core academic content mastery) and 4Cs (critical thinking and problem solving, collaboration, communication and creativity and innovation).

7. Sample - 21st Century Skills Maps

The Partnership for 21st Century skills has forged alliances with key national organizations that represent the core academic subjects, including Social Studies, English, Math, Science, Geography and the Arts. As a result of these collaborations, the Partnership has developed these maps to illustrate the intersection between 21st Century Skills and the various content areas. The maps will enable educators, administrators and policymakers to gain concrete examples of how 21st Century Skills can be integrated into subjects.

i. Arts Map -
ii. Geography Map -
iii. Science Map -
iv. Social Studies Map -
v. English Map -

8. Global Competency Matrices -

Global Competence is the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to understand and act creativelyand innovatively on issues of global significance.Global Competence can be developed within any discipline, and it can cut across disciplines.The seven global competence matrices — one main matrix and six content-area matrices —help teachers and students understand Global Competence and how to apply it.

9. Teaching Channel Video Resources -

10. Planned Course of Study Writing Compensation Options - see related file - Please inform Christina of your selection ASAP. 

11. Completion Date - Spring 2014 - A complete planned course of study must be submitted via email to Christina Lutz-Doemling on or before April 30th to allow sufficient time for  review and revisions/updates before the May/June board meetings. 

12. Questions/Concerns