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Catasauqua Area School District
Safety Committee


The purpose of the Catasauqua Area school District Safety Committee is to bring all Catasauqua Area School District employees together to achieve and maintain a safe, healthful workplace.


The goal of the Catasauqua Area School District Safety Committee is to eliminate workplace injuries and illnesses by involving employees and managers in identifying hazards and suggesting how to prevent them.


The Catasauqua Area School district Safety Committee has four objectives.

  • Involve employees in achieving a safe, healthful workplace.
  • Promptly review all safety-related incidents, injuries, accidents, illnesses, and deaths.
  • Conduct annual workplace inspections, identify hazards, and seek solutions for eliminating or controlling the hazards.
  • Annually evaluate the Catasauqua Area School District workplace safety and health program and recommend improvements to management.