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AESOP Employee Information


Teachers/Aides should be using AESOP for all absence reporting.
Teachers/Aides can report their absences in AESOP until 6:00 AM on the day of the absence. In rare circumstances where a teacher would need to report an absence between 6:00 AM and 7:30 AM, the teacher will need to call Kristen to report his/her absence. Teachers should not call Kristen after 7:30 AM.

Beginning at 7:30 AM, if a teacher would need to leave school (sick, emergency, etc), please follow the procedure below:

  • Teacher contacts building principal/secretary
  • Secretary runs the sub availability report and contacts a sub
  • Secretary emails Kristen the information – Teacher Name, Absence Reason, and Sub Name
  • Kristen will create the absence in AESOP
  • Sub signs the absence report in the main office upon his/her arrival

For an employee absence that will be longer than 3 days in length, employees will need to contact Kristen Bloszinsky. Kristen will then create the absence in AESOP. Employees may create absences less than or equal to 3 days in length.

FIELD TRIP Absence that Requires a Substitute
Complete the online field trip request form. After receiving approval, then create an absence in Aesop and indicated Field Trip as the absence reason. Note: If you are going on a field trip with your class and you do not require a sub (typical of elementary), then you do not need to enter the absence in Aesop.

PROFESSIONAL Absence that Requires a Substitute
Teachers requesting a sub for professional reasons (ex - attending a conference, Dibels, kindergarten registration, building level meetings) should create the absence via the web (not the phone) so that the specific reason can be entered into the notes box. Additionally, the teacher should select the appropriate budget sub code (Title I, Title III, curriculum sub code, etc) if the sub is being covered by a grant. If the teacher is not sure of the code, he/she should contact the principal/curriculum director.

If you are called upon to serve jury duty, be sure to create your absence(s) in AESOP and select Jury Duty as the absence reason. Upon your return to work, please provide documentation of your completed jury duty to Mindy Redline in the Business Office.

Please contact Mindy Redline (, Ext. 10006) to report employee absences for the following reasons:

  • Child Rearing
  • FMLA
  • Long Term Disability
  • Short Term Disability
  • Maternity Leave
  • Sabbatical

Employee Absence Cancellations
For absences that require a sub, employees may cancel the absence within 12 hours of the start of the absence. With less than 12 hours notice, the employee must call Kristen to cancel the sub.

Notes & File Attachments
Using the AESOP desktop website, you may add notes to the sub and/or your administrators and files (lesson plans, seating charts, classroom rules) to any absences. These notes and files can be viewed by the sub. Substitutes will receive a notification that there are notes associated with the absence when accepting a job via the phone and they will see a paperclip when accepting jobs via the web.

Aesop Feedback
Substitutes will be instructed to leave feedback for teachers via AESOP. Additionally, please enter feedback on the substitute teacher for your administrators to view. Both you and the sub will receive an email reminder to leave feedback via Aesop.

Snow Days
On Snow Days, Kristen Bloszinsky will create a closed day on the AESOP calendar. After doing so, AESOP knows to delete any absences scheduled for that day. Additionally, AESOP will contact any subs scheduled for that day.

Additional Questions and Concerns may be directed to:

Kristen Bloszinsky
Aesop Administrator
ext: 10005

Please review the links below for more information: