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Continuity of Education Plan & FERPA Notice

CASD Continuity of Education Plan & FERPA Notice for Virtual Learning

As a part of our transition to online learning, we are keeping in mind the cognitive load that teachers and students can productively manage in terms of instruction, work, and screen time. Additionally, we understand the challenges associated with at-home remote/distance learning: shared devices, family work schedules, children caring for younger siblings, etc. For this reason, the Catasauqua Area School District Continuity of Education plan was designed with flexibility in mind. CASD will utilize a combination of frequent communication, asynchronous learning, synchronous learning, and live office hours and/or check-ins to provide standards-aligned planned instruction, enrichment and review, and serve the needs of our students. 

Please click here to access the CASD Continuity of Education Plan 

Please click here to access the CASD FERPA Notice for Virtual Learning