Staff Online Request Forms
When submitting a work order request, please complete the form as thoroughly as possible. Be sure to provide detailed information, including specific location, issue description, and any other relevant details that will help our Buildings & Grounds staff address the request efficiently.
Technology Work Order Request Form
Used by CASD Technology for addressing technology hardware and software concerns. For immediate assistance, please contact Dan Kotran and Paul Reilly.
District Central Copy Request
Please allow five (5) business days to get your copied materials returned. All copies will be printed on 8 1/2 x 11 white paper and on both sides unless otherwise specified.
Free App Request Form
Used by CASD Technology for adding a free app to Self Service for staff or student use.
COVID-19 Self Reporting Form (CASD employees only)
If after consultation with your immediate supervisor and the school nurse it is determined that you should not report to work due to having COVID-19 symptoms or due to exposure to a positive case of COVID-19, complete this form.
Field Trip / Transportation Request Form
Used by CASD Transportation. Contact Dan Muthersbaugh or David Cressman with questions.
Overnight Field Trip / Transportation Request Form
Please receive transportation and building principal approval along with cost and account codes prior to completion of the form. Requests must be submitted at least 30 days prior to each trip for board approval. A separate form must be filled out for each trip.
Conference Request Form
Conference/Workshop applicants must complete this application prior to registering for any conference/workshop, and if available attach a copy of the brochure describing the event and return all completed material to the building principal.
Bus Conduct Report
Please complete this form in the event of any misconduct involving students who attend CASD.
Non-CASD Student Bus Conduct Reporting Form
Please complete this form in the event of any misconduct involving students who do not attend CASD (charter schools, private schools, etc).
Occupational Therapy Referral Form
For referring students to Occupational Therapy staff for evaluation.
Speech and Language Referral Form
For referring students to Speech and Language staff for evaluation.
Flex Day Form
Each bargaining unit member shall be required to complete one flex day equal to a total of 6 hours. The flex day hours must be performed during hours outside of the regular workday and may be: evenings, weekends, summers, and/or before/after contracted school hours.
MacBook and Accessories Confirmation Form
Please complete this form after receiving your teacher district-owned MacBook and charging cables. This Form acknowledges that you have received the following equipment for use in conjunction with your employment at CASD.
CASD Technology Confirmation Form
Please complete this form after receiving your district-owned Apple device(s) and charging cables. This Form acknowledges that you have received the following equipment for use in conjunction with my employment at CASD.
PowerSchool Emergency Contact Information (CASD Employees Only)
This Form is for newly hired and current CASD employees who need to update or confirm their emergency contact information for receiving timely emergency notifications from our automated calling system, such as snow delays, weather closings, or urgent announcements.
Classroom Technology Recycling Form
Please complete this form if you have technology (Polyvision/SMART/Promethean boards, TVs, computer equipment, technology accessories, etc.) in your classroom that you no longer need.