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K-12 Voluntary Student Accident Insurance

The Catasauqua Area School District is providing information about a K-12 Accident Insurance plan available to parents and guardians through an external provider. This optional insurance is designed to help families manage the financial impact of injuries by covering deductibles, co-insurance, or providing support if no other insurance is in place. While the district does not administer this plan, we encourage families to review the coverage options and consider if it meets their needs.

Coverage Options:

  • 24-Hour Coverage (Accident Only)
    This plan provides around-the-clock coverage for your child, whether at school, home, or away, excluding interscholastic sports. Coverage lasts from the date premium payment is received to the start of the next school term. ($124.00)
  • School Time Coverage (Accident Only)
    This plan covers your child while on school premises, during school hours, and for school-sponsored activities, including travel directly between home and school with school-provided transportation. Coverage is effective from premium payment until the end of the school term.

For more information on this program, please view the full brochure below: