How to Become a Volunteer at Catasauqua Area School District
We’re excited that you’re interested in volunteering at CASD! To ensure a safe environment for our students, it is required by law that all volunteers complete a few important steps before getting started.
- First, please review the CASD Volunteer Checklist to help guide you through the process.
- Complete the CASD Volunteer Application. This simple application lists which building you would like to volunteer in, and your current CASD students (if applicable). Please include this application with all other necessary clearances and documents.
- Review Policy 139: Please take a moment to review Volunteer Policy 139, which is available on our CASD Policy page.
- Complete Your Volunteer Clearances: Great news! Since July 25, 2015, volunteer clearance fees have been waived. When applying for your clearances online, make sure to select the "volunteering" option.
- Clearance Validity: Once your clearances are complete, they will remain valid for five years, as long as you volunteer at least once each school year. Mandated Reporter Training (Act 126) is also required and valid for five years.
- Keeping Clearances Up-to-Date: It’s important to remember that keeping your clearances current is your responsibility, as the school won’t send reminders.
Once you’ve completed the required forms, please bring them to the CASD Administration Offices for confirmation.
Thank you for helping make CASD a wonderful place for students and staff!
CASD Volunteer Clearances
Please complete the following clearances for volunteers:
- Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance (Act 151)
- Pennsylvania State Police Criminal Record Check (Act 34)
- 10+ year PA Resident Affirmation Form
- FBI Federal Criminal History Record (Act 114)
Please note: If you have not lived in Pennsylvania for 10 years, you will need to complete this clearance.
Visit for information and locations of fingerprinting sites. Enter district code: 1KG6XN
Mandated Reporter Training
Anyone can report suspected abuse or general concerns about a child’s wellbeing. Some professions like people who work schools, health care settings, child care, social services, and law enforcement, among others, are considered mandated reporters and must report suspected abuse and neglect. Mandated reporters should report abuse electronically through the Department of Human Services’ Child Welfare Portal.
- To register for the training, follow this link:
- If you do not already have an account, click "Don't have an Account?"
- After registering, you will receive an email with login info. After receiving your login info, you can begin the training.
- Please note – the training does not need to be completed in one sitting. If you leave the training, when you return you will get a message asking you if you want to pick up where you left off. Click “OK” and you will begin where you left off.
- More Mandated Reporter information and helpful tips can be found here
Please direct any questions or concerns to the CASD Administration Office, 610-264-5571