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Catasauqua Area School District, Dedicated to Educational Excellence


Welcome to the Catasauqua Area School District, home of the Rough Riders!

Our vision includes recognition as a leader in education through our commitment to delivering high quality, learner-centered programs that embrace innovation, problem solving and interdisciplinary collaboration in order to foster student achievement and meet the changing needs of society.  In partnership with our community, we believe we can continue to achieve educational excellence and promote lifelong learning. 


Our school district is located in the beautiful Lehigh Valley in Eastern Pennsylvania and serves portions of two counties. In Lehigh County, it covers the Borough of Catasauqua and Hanover Township. In Northampton County it covers the Borough of North Catasauqua. The district operates one high school, one middle school and one elementary school.  The District is comprised of 6.6 square miles with approximately 12,000 residents.  Currently, 1600 students attend our school system.  Pride, tradition and respect fill the halls and classrooms of our three buildings - Sheckler Elementary School (K-4), Catasauqua Middle School (5-8) and Catasauqua High School (9-12).  Highlights from each of our buildings can be found by accessing the individual building websites located on our home page

A total of approximately 185 staff, including 110 teachers, provide the instructional and support services for the District.  The District recognizes that an effective curriculum is one that is continually being reviewed and developed.  Through Board policy and support of a curriculum review and development policy, revisions are made to align instructional practice with current academic standards.  The district enhances the educational opportunities of our students by providing various interscholastic, intramural, and co-curricular activities.  District facilities are well maintained by employing preventative maintenance techniques and a commitment to providing safe and appealing school and support buildings.

As a community centered school district, our facilities are open to community events and groups.  Community groups regularly access district facilities.  A community education program, in concert with Lehigh Carbon Community College (LCCC), is designed to embrace all age groups and interest areas.  Further information on this program can be found on the district web site,

Thank you for taking the time to explore our district.  Please feel free to contact the Superintendent's Office and/or any of our buildings to obtain additional information.